Old Stuff: ========== Files in this directory just exist for historical reasons. They are deprecated and replaced (improved) by file(s) in the parent directory. brimpulses.tar.gz: GSt (v2) "Band reject" filter impulse response recordings (16 bit) for cutoff frequency 1 to 128. [deprecated, replaced by impulses.tar.gz] brrimpulses.tar.gz: GSt (v2) "Band reject" filter impulse response recordings (16 bit) of resonance 0, 32, 64, 96 and 127 for frequency 30, 70 and 100. [deprecated, replaced by impulses.tar.gz] plotall.m: Octave / Matlab file to compare GSt's original band stop filter with the approximated filter used in LS. [deprecated, replaced by plotall2.m]