libgig  4.4.1.svn7
AkaiPartition Class Reference

Encapsulates one disk partition of an AKAI disk. More...

#include <Akai.h>

Inherits AkaiDiskElement.

Public Member Functions

uint ListVolumes (std::list< AkaiDirEntry > &rVolumes)
AkaiVolumeGetVolume (uint Index)
AkaiVolumeGetVolume (const String &rName)
AkaiDiskGetParent ()
bool IsEmpty ()
uint GetOffset ()
uint Acquire ()
uint Release ()

Protected Member Functions

void SetOffset (uint Offset)
void AkaiToAscii (char *buffer, int length)
int ReadFAT (DiskImage *pDisk, AkaiPartition *pPartition, int block)
bool ReadDirEntry (DiskImage *pDisk, AkaiPartition *pPartition, AkaiDirEntry &rEntry, int block, int pos)

Detailed Description

Encapsulates one disk partition of an AKAI disk.

An object of this class represents exactly one disk partition of an AKAI disk media or of an AKAI disk image file. This is similar to a hard disk partition on other operating systems, just in AKAI's own custom format.

Each AKAI disk partition is further subdivided into so called "volumes".

Definition at line 661 of file Akai.h.

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