libgig  4.4.1.svn7
Korg::KMPRegion Class Reference

Region of a .KMP multi sample file. More...

#include <Korg.h>

Public Member Functions

String FullSampleFileName () const
KMPInstrumentGetInstrument () const

Public Attributes

bool Transpose
uint8_t OriginalKey
 Note of sample's original pitch, a.k.a. "root key" (0..127).
uint8_t TopKey
 The end of this region on the keyboard (0..127). The start of this region is given by TopKey+1 of the previous region.
int8_t Tune
 -99..+99 cents
int8_t Level
 -99..+99 cents
int8_t Pan
int8_t FilterCutoff
String SampleFileName
 Base file name of sample file (12 bytes). Call FullSampleFileName() for getting the file name with path, which you might then pass to a KSFSample constructor to load the respective sample. There are two special names: "SKIPPEDSAMPL" means the sample was skipped during loading on the original KORG instrument, whereas "INTERNALnnnn" means internal sample (of the original KORG instrument) with number nnnn is used. In both cases, you obviously have no other chance than skipping them.

Protected Member Functions

 KMPRegion (KMPInstrument *parent, RIFF::Chunk *rlp1)

Detailed Description

Region of a .KMP multi sample file.

Encapsulates one region on the keyboard which is part of a KORG ".KMP" file (KMPInstrument). Each regions defines a mapping between one (mono) sample and one consecutive area on the keyboard.

Definition at line 133 of file Korg.h.

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