libgig  4.4.1.svn7
gig::DimensionRegion Class Reference

Encapsulates articulation informations of a dimension region. More...

#include <gig.h>

Inheritance diagram for gig::DimensionRegion:
DLS::Sampler DLS::Storage

Public Member Functions

double GetVelocityAttenuation (uint8_t MIDIKeyVelocity)
 Returns the correct amplitude factor for the given MIDIKeyVelocity. More...
double GetVelocityRelease (uint8_t MIDIKeyVelocity)
double GetVelocityCutoff (uint8_t MIDIKeyVelocity)
void SetVelocityResponseCurve (curve_type_t curve)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetVelocityResponseDepth (uint8_t depth)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetVelocityResponseCurveScaling (uint8_t scaling)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetReleaseVelocityResponseCurve (curve_type_t curve)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetReleaseVelocityResponseDepth (uint8_t depth)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetVCFCutoffController (vcf_cutoff_ctrl_t controller)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetVCFVelocityCurve (curve_type_t curve)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetVCFVelocityDynamicRange (uint8_t range)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
void SetVCFVelocityScale (uint8_t scaling)
 Updates the respective member variable and the lookup table / cache that depends on this value.
RegionGetParent () const
virtual void SetGain (int32_t gain)
 Updates the respective member variable and updates SampleAttenuation which depends on this value.
virtual void UpdateChunks (progress_t *pProgress)
 Apply dimension region settings to the respective RIFF chunks. More...
virtual void CopyAssign (const DimensionRegion *orig)
 Make a (semi) deep copy of the DimensionRegion object given by orig and assign it to this object. More...

Public Attributes

uint8_t VelocityUpperLimit
 Defines the upper velocity value limit of a velocity split (only if an user defined limit was set, thus a value not equal to 128/NumberOfSplits, else this value is 0). Only for gig2, for gig3 and above the DimensionUpperLimits are used instead.
 Points to the Sample which is assigned to the dimension region.
uint16_t EG1PreAttack
 Preattack value of the sample amplitude EG (0 - 1000 permille).
double EG1Attack
 Attack time of the sample amplitude EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
double EG1Decay1
 Decay time of the sample amplitude EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
double EG1Decay2
 Only if EG1InfiniteSustain == false: 2nd decay stage time of the sample amplitude EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
bool EG1InfiniteSustain
 If true, instead of going into Decay2 phase, Decay1 level will be hold until note will be released.
uint16_t EG1Sustain
 Sustain value of the sample amplitude EG (0 - 1000 permille).
double EG1Release
 Release time of the sample amplitude EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
bool EG1Hold
 If true, Decay1 stage should be postponed until the sample reached the sample loop start.
eg1_ctrl_t EG1Controller
 MIDI Controller which has influence on sample amplitude EG parameters (attack, decay, release).
bool EG1ControllerInvert
 Invert values coming from defined EG1 controller.
uint8_t EG1ControllerAttackInfluence
 Amount EG1 Controller has influence on the EG1 Attack time (0 - 3, where 0 means off).
uint8_t EG1ControllerDecayInfluence
 Amount EG1 Controller has influence on the EG1 Decay time (0 - 3, where 0 means off).
uint8_t EG1ControllerReleaseInfluence
 Amount EG1 Controller has influence on the EG1 Release time (0 - 3, where 0 means off).
lfo_wave_t LFO1WaveForm
 [gig extension]: The fundamental wave form to be used by the amplitude LFO, e.g. sine, triangle, saw, square (default: sine).
double LFO1Frequency
 Frequency of the sample amplitude LFO (0.10 - 10.00 Hz).
double LFO1Phase
 [gig extension]: Phase displacement of the amplitude LFO's wave form (0.0° - 360.0°).
uint16_t LFO1InternalDepth
 Firm pitch of the sample amplitude LFO (0 - 1200 cents).
uint16_t LFO1ControlDepth
 Controller depth influencing sample amplitude LFO pitch (0 - 1200 cents).
lfo1_ctrl_t LFO1Controller
 MIDI Controller which controls sample amplitude LFO.
bool LFO1FlipPhase
 Inverts the polarity of the sample amplitude LFO wave, so it flips the wave form vertically.
bool LFO1Sync
 If set to true only one LFO should be used for all voices.
uint16_t EG2PreAttack
 Preattack value of the filter cutoff EG (0 - 1000 permille).
double EG2Attack
 Attack time of the filter cutoff EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
double EG2Decay1
 Decay time of the filter cutoff EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
double EG2Decay2
 Only if EG2InfiniteSustain == false: 2nd stage decay time of the filter cutoff EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
bool EG2InfiniteSustain
 If true, instead of going into Decay2 phase, Decay1 level will be hold until note will be released.
uint16_t EG2Sustain
 Sustain value of the filter cutoff EG (0 - 1000 permille).
double EG2Release
 Release time of the filter cutoff EG (0.000 - 60.000s).
eg2_ctrl_t EG2Controller
 MIDI Controller which has influence on filter cutoff EG parameters (attack, decay, release).
bool EG2ControllerInvert
 Invert values coming from defined EG2 controller.
uint8_t EG2ControllerAttackInfluence
 Amount EG2 Controller has influence on the EG2 Attack time (0 - 3, where 0 means off).
uint8_t EG2ControllerDecayInfluence
 Amount EG2 Controller has influence on the EG2 Decay time (0 - 3, where 0 means off).
uint8_t EG2ControllerReleaseInfluence
 Amount EG2 Controller has influence on the EG2 Release time (0 - 3, where 0 means off).
lfo_wave_t LFO2WaveForm
 [gig extension]: The fundamental wave form to be used by the filter cutoff LFO, e.g. sine, triangle, saw, square (default: sine).
double LFO2Frequency
 Frequency of the filter cutoff LFO (0.10 - 10.00 Hz).
double LFO2Phase
 [gig extension]: Phase displacement of the filter cutoff LFO's wave form (0.0° - 360.0°).
uint16_t LFO2InternalDepth
 Firm pitch of the filter cutoff LFO (0 - 1200 cents).
uint16_t LFO2ControlDepth
 Controller depth influencing filter cutoff LFO pitch (0 - 1200).
lfo2_ctrl_t LFO2Controller
 MIDI Controlle which controls the filter cutoff LFO.
bool LFO2FlipPhase
 Inverts the polarity of the filter cutoff LFO wave, so it flips the wave form vertically.
bool LFO2Sync
 If set to true only one LFO should be used for all voices.
double EG3Attack
 Attack time of the sample pitch EG (0.000 - 10.000s).
int16_t EG3Depth
 Depth of the sample pitch EG (-1200 - +1200).
lfo_wave_t LFO3WaveForm
 [gig extension]: The fundamental wave form to be used by the pitch LFO, e.g. sine, triangle, saw, square (default: sine).
double LFO3Frequency
 Frequency of the sample pitch LFO (0.10 - 10.00 Hz).
double LFO3Phase
 [gig extension]: Phase displacement of the pitch LFO's wave form (0.0° - 360.0°).
int16_t LFO3InternalDepth
 Firm depth of the sample pitch LFO (-1200 - +1200 cents).
int16_t LFO3ControlDepth
 Controller depth of the sample pitch LFO (-1200 - +1200 cents).
lfo3_ctrl_t LFO3Controller
 MIDI Controller which controls the sample pitch LFO.
bool LFO3FlipPhase
 [gig extension]: Inverts the polarity of the pitch LFO wave, so it flips the wave form vertically (NOTE: this setting for LFO3 is a gig format extension; flipping the polarity was only available for LFO1 and LFO2 in the original Gigasampler/GigaStudio software).
bool LFO3Sync
 If set to true only one LFO should be used for all voices.
bool VCFEnabled
 If filter should be used.
vcf_type_t VCFType
 Defines the general filter characteristic (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, etc.).
vcf_cutoff_ctrl_t VCFCutoffController
 Specifies which external controller has influence on the filter cutoff frequency. More...
bool VCFCutoffControllerInvert
 Inverts values coming from the defined cutoff controller.
uint8_t VCFCutoff
 Max. cutoff frequency.
curve_type_t VCFVelocityCurve
 Defines a transformation curve for the incoming velocity values, affecting the VCF. More...
uint8_t VCFVelocityScale
 (0-127) Amount velocity controls VCF cutoff frequency (only if no other VCF cutoff controller is defined, otherwise this is the minimum cutoff). More...
uint8_t VCFVelocityDynamicRange
 0x04 = lowest, 0x00 = highest . More...
uint8_t VCFResonance
 Firm internal filter resonance weight.
bool VCFResonanceDynamic
 If true: Increases the resonance Q according to changes of controllers that actually control the VCF cutoff frequency (EG2, ext. VCF MIDI controller).
vcf_res_ctrl_t VCFResonanceController
 Specifies which external controller has influence on the filter resonance Q.
bool VCFKeyboardTracking
 If true: VCF cutoff frequence will be dependend to the note key position relative to the defined breakpoint value.
uint8_t VCFKeyboardTrackingBreakpoint
 See VCFKeyboardTracking (0 - 127).
curve_type_t VelocityResponseCurve
 Defines a transformation curve to the incoming velocity values affecting amplitude (usually you don't have to interpret this parameter, use GetVelocityAttenuation() instead). More...
uint8_t VelocityResponseDepth
 Dynamic range of velocity affecting amplitude (0 - 4) (usually you don't have to interpret this parameter, use GetVelocityAttenuation() instead). More...
uint8_t VelocityResponseCurveScaling
 0 - 127 (usually you don't have to interpret this parameter, use GetVelocityAttenuation() instead). More...
curve_type_t ReleaseVelocityResponseCurve
 Defines a transformation curve to the incoming release veloctiy values affecting envelope times. More...
uint8_t ReleaseVelocityResponseDepth
 Dynamic range of release velocity affecting envelope time (0 - 4). More...
uint8_t ReleaseTriggerDecay
 0 - 8
crossfade_t Crossfade
bool PitchTrack
 If true: sample will be pitched according to the key position (this will be disabled for drums for example).
dim_bypass_ctrl_t DimensionBypass
 If defined, the MIDI controller can switch on/off the dimension in realtime.
int8_t Pan
 Panorama / Balance (-64..0..63 <-> left..middle..right)
bool SelfMask
 If true: high velocity notes will stop low velocity notes at the same note, with that you can save voices that wouldn't be audible anyway.
attenuation_ctrl_t AttenuationController
 MIDI Controller which has influence on the volume level of the sample (or entire sample group).
bool InvertAttenuationController
 Inverts the values coming from the defined Attenuation Controller.
uint8_t AttenuationControllerThreshold
uint8_t ChannelOffset
 Audio output where the audio signal of the dimension region should be routed to (0 - 9).
bool SustainDefeat
 If true: Sustain pedal will not hold a note.
bool MSDecode
 Gigastudio flag: defines if Mid Side Recordings should be decoded.
uint16_t SampleStartOffset
 Number of samples the sample start should be moved (0 - 2000).
double SampleAttenuation
 Sample volume (calculated from DLS::Sampler::Gain)
uint8_t DimensionUpperLimits [8]
 gig3: defines the upper limit of the dimension values for this dimension region. In case you wondered why this is defined on DimensionRegion level and not on Region level: the zone sizes (upper limits) of the velocity dimension can indeed differ in the individual dimension regions, depending on which zones of the other dimension types are currently selected. So this is exceptional for the velocity dimension only. All other dimension types have the same dimension zone sizes for every single DimensionRegion (of the sample Region).
eg_opt_t EG1Options
 [gig extension]: Behavior options which should be used for envelope generator 1 (volume amplitude EG).
eg_opt_t EG2Options
 [gig extension]: Behavior options which should be used for envelope generator 2 (filter cutoff EG).
sust_rel_trg_t SustainReleaseTrigger
 [gig extension]: Whether a sustain pedal up event shall play release trigger sample.
bool NoNoteOffReleaseTrigger
 [gig extension]: If true then don't play a release trigger sample on MIDI note-off events.

Protected Member Functions

 DimensionRegion (Region *pParent, RIFF::List *_3ewl)
 DimensionRegion (RIFF::List *_3ewl, const DimensionRegion &src)
void CopyAssign (const DimensionRegion *orig, const std::map< Sample *, Sample * > *mSamples)
 Make a (semi) deep copy of the DimensionRegion object given by orig and assign it to this object. More...
void serialize (Serialization::Archive *archive)
void AddSampleLoop (sample_loop_t *pLoopDef)
 Adds a new sample loop with the provided loop definition. More...
void DeleteSampleLoop (sample_loop_t *pLoopDef)
 Deletes an existing sample loop. More...
virtual void DeleteChunks ()
 Remove all RIFF chunks associated with this Sampler object. More...
virtual void CopyAssign (const Sampler *orig)
 Make a deep copy of the Sampler object given by orig and assign it to this object. More...

Protected Attributes

uint8_t * VelocityTable
 For velocity dimensions with custom defined zone ranges only: used for fast converting from velocity MIDI value to dimension bit number.
uint8_t UnityNote
int16_t FineTune
int32_t Gain
bool NoSampleDepthTruncation
bool NoSampleCompression
uint32_t SampleLoops
 Reflects the number of sample loops.
sample_loop_t * pSampleLoops
 Points to the beginning of a sample loop array, or is NULL if there are no loops defined.
uint32_t uiHeaderSize
uint32_t SamplerOptions

Detailed Description

Encapsulates articulation informations of a dimension region.

This is the most important data object of the Gigasampler / GigaStudio format. A DimensionRegion provides the link to the sample to be played and all required articulation informations to be interpreted for playing back the sample and processing it appropriately by the sampler software. Every Region of a Gigasampler Instrument has at least one dimension region (exactly then when the Region has no dimension defined). Many Regions though provide more than one DimensionRegion, which reflect different playing "cases". For example a different sample might be played if a certain pedal is pressed down, or if the note was triggered with different velocity.

One instance of a DimensionRegion reflects exactly one particular case while playing an instrument (for instance "note between C3 and E3 was triggered AND note on velocity was between 20 and 42 AND modulation wheel controller is between 80 and 127). The DimensionRegion defines what to do under that one particular case, that is which sample to play back and how to play that sample back exactly and how to process it. So a DimensionRegion object is always linked to exactly one sample. It may however also link to no sample at all, for defining a "silence" case where nothing shall be played (for example when note on velocity was below 6).

Note that a DimensionRegion object only defines "what to do", but it does not define "when to do it". To actually resolve which DimensionRegion to pick under which situation, you need to refer to the DimensionRegions' parent Region object. The Region object contains the necessary "Dimension" definitions, which in turn define which DimensionRegion is associated with which playing case exactly.

The Gigasampler/GigaStudio format defines 3 Envelope Generators and 3 Low Frequency Oscillators:

  • EG1 and LFO1, both controlling sample amplitude
  • EG2 and LFO2, both controlling filter cutoff frequency
  • EG3 and LFO3, both controlling sample pitch

Since the gig format was designed as extension to the DLS file format, this class is derived from the DLS::Sampler class. So also refer to DLS::Sampler for additional informations, class attributes and methods.

Definition at line 535 of file gig.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSampleLoop()

void DLS::Sampler::AddSampleLoop ( sample_loop_t pLoopDef)

Adds a new sample loop with the provided loop definition.

pLoopDef- points to a loop definition that is to be copied

Definition at line 759 of file DLS.cpp.

References DLS::Sampler::pSampleLoops, DLS::Sampler::SampleLoops, and DLS::sample_loop_t::Size.

◆ CopyAssign() [1/3]

void gig::DimensionRegion::CopyAssign ( const DimensionRegion orig)

Make a (semi) deep copy of the DimensionRegion object given by orig and assign it to this object.

Note that all sample pointers referenced by orig are simply copied as memory address. Thus the respective samples are shared, not duplicated!

orig- original DimensionRegion object to be copied from

Definition at line 1842 of file gig.cpp.

Referenced by gig::Region::CopyAssign(), gig::Region::DeleteDimensionZone(), and gig::Region::SplitDimensionZone().

◆ CopyAssign() [2/3]

void gig::DimensionRegion::CopyAssign ( const DimensionRegion orig,
const std::map< Sample *, Sample * > *  mSamples 

Make a (semi) deep copy of the DimensionRegion object given by orig and assign it to this object.

orig- original DimensionRegion object to be copied from
mSamples- crosslink map between the foreign file's samples and this file's samples

Definition at line 1854 of file gig.cpp.

References pSample, DLS::Sampler::pSampleLoops, DLS::Sampler::SampleLoops, and VelocityTable.

◆ CopyAssign() [3/3]

void DLS::Sampler::CopyAssign ( const Sampler orig)

Make a deep copy of the Sampler object given by orig and assign it to this object.

orig- original Sampler object to be copied from

Definition at line 805 of file DLS.cpp.

References DLS::Sampler::Gain, DLS::Sampler::pSampleLoops, and DLS::Sampler::SampleLoops.

Referenced by DLS::Region::CopyAssign().

◆ DeleteChunks()

void DLS::Sampler::DeleteChunks ( )

Remove all RIFF chunks associated with this Sampler object.

At the moment Sampler::DeleteChunks() does nothing. It is recommended to call this method explicitly though from deriving classes's own overridden implementation of this method to avoid potential future compatibility issues.

See Storage::DeleteChunks() for details.

Implements DLS::Storage.

Reimplemented in DLS::Region.

Definition at line 751 of file DLS.cpp.

Referenced by DLS::Region::DeleteChunks().

◆ DeleteSampleLoop()

void DLS::Sampler::DeleteSampleLoop ( sample_loop_t pLoopDef)

Deletes an existing sample loop.

pLoopDef- pointer to existing loop definition
Exception- if given loop definition does not exist

Definition at line 781 of file DLS.cpp.

References DLS::Sampler::pSampleLoops, and DLS::Sampler::SampleLoops.

◆ GetVelocityAttenuation()

double gig::DimensionRegion::GetVelocityAttenuation ( uint8_t  MIDIKeyVelocity)

Returns the correct amplitude factor for the given MIDIKeyVelocity.

All involved parameters (VelocityResponseCurve, VelocityResponseDepth and VelocityResponseCurveScaling) involved are taken into account to calculate the amplitude factor. Use this method when a key was triggered to get the volume with which the sample should be played back.

MIDIKeyVelocityMIDI velocity value of the triggered key (between 0 and 127)
amplitude factor (between 0.0 and 1.0)

Definition at line 3129 of file gig.cpp.

◆ UpdateChunks()

void gig::DimensionRegion::UpdateChunks ( progress_t pProgress)

Apply dimension region settings to the respective RIFF chunks.

You have to call File::Save() to make changes persistent.

Usually there is absolutely no need to call this method explicitly. It will be called automatically when File::Save() was called.

pProgress- callback function for progress notification

Reimplemented from DLS::Sampler.

Definition at line 2014 of file gig.cpp.

References RIFF::List::AddSubChunk(), gig::eg_opt_t::AttackCancel, AttenuationController, AttenuationControllerThreshold, ChannelOffset, gig::curve_type_linear, gig::curve_type_nonlinear, gig::curve_type_special, gig::curve_type_unknown, gig::dim_bypass_ctrl_94, gig::dim_bypass_ctrl_95, gig::dim_bypass_ctrl_none, DimensionBypass, DimensionUpperLimits, EG1Attack, EG1Controller, EG1ControllerAttackInfluence, EG1ControllerDecayInfluence, EG1ControllerInvert, EG1ControllerReleaseInfluence, EG1Decay1, EG1Decay2, EG1Hold, EG1InfiniteSustain, EG1Options, EG1PreAttack, EG1Release, EG1Sustain, EG2Attack, EG2Controller, EG2ControllerAttackInfluence, EG2ControllerDecayInfluence, EG2ControllerInvert, EG2ControllerReleaseInfluence, EG2Decay1, EG2Decay2, EG2InfiniteSustain, EG2Options, EG2PreAttack, EG2Release, EG2Sustain, EG3Attack, EG3Depth, RIFF::Chunk::GetNewSize(), RIFF::List::GetSubChunk(), gig::crossfade_t::in_end, gig::crossfade_t::in_start, InvertAttenuationController, LFO1ControlDepth, LFO1Controller, LFO1FlipPhase, LFO1Frequency, LFO1InternalDepth, LFO1Phase, LFO1Sync, LFO1WaveForm, LFO2ControlDepth, LFO2Controller, LFO2FlipPhase, LFO2Frequency, LFO2InternalDepth, LFO2Phase, LFO2Sync, LFO2WaveForm, LFO3ControlDepth, LFO3Controller, LFO3FlipPhase, LFO3Frequency, LFO3InternalDepth, LFO3Phase, LFO3Sync, LFO3WaveForm, RIFF::Chunk::LoadChunkData(), RIFF::List::MoveSubChunk(), MSDecode, NoNoteOffReleaseTrigger, gig::crossfade_t::out_end, gig::crossfade_t::out_start, Pan, PitchTrack, DLS::File::pVersion, ReleaseTriggerDecay, ReleaseVelocityResponseCurve, ReleaseVelocityResponseDepth, RIFF::Chunk::Resize(), SampleStartOffset, SelfMask, SustainDefeat, SustainReleaseTrigger, DLS::Sampler::UpdateChunks(), gig::vcf_res_ctrl_none, gig::vcf_type_lowpass, gig::vcf_type_lowpassturbo, VCFCutoff, VCFCutoffController, VCFCutoffControllerInvert, VCFEnabled, VCFKeyboardTracking, VCFKeyboardTrackingBreakpoint, VCFResonance, VCFResonanceController, VCFResonanceDynamic, VCFType, VCFVelocityCurve, VCFVelocityDynamicRange, VCFVelocityScale, VelocityResponseCurve, VelocityResponseCurveScaling, VelocityResponseDepth, and VelocityUpperLimit.

Referenced by gig::Region::UpdateChunks().

Member Data Documentation

◆ Gain

int32_t DLS::Sampler::Gain
Don't alter directly, use SetGain() instead!

Definition at line 429 of file DLS.h.

Referenced by DLS::Sampler::CopyAssign(), SetGain(), and DLS::Sampler::UpdateChunks().

◆ ReleaseVelocityResponseCurve

curve_type_t gig::DimensionRegion::ReleaseVelocityResponseCurve

Defines a transformation curve to the incoming release veloctiy values affecting envelope times.

Don't alter directly, use SetReleaseVelocityResponseCurve() instead!

Definition at line 611 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetReleaseVelocityResponseCurve(), SetReleaseVelocityResponseDepth(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ ReleaseVelocityResponseDepth

uint8_t gig::DimensionRegion::ReleaseVelocityResponseDepth

Dynamic range of release velocity affecting envelope time (0 - 4).

Don't alter directly, use SetReleaseVelocityResponseDepth() instead!

Definition at line 612 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetReleaseVelocityResponseCurve(), SetReleaseVelocityResponseDepth(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ VCFCutoffController

vcf_cutoff_ctrl_t gig::DimensionRegion::VCFCutoffController

Specifies which external controller has influence on the filter cutoff frequency.

Don't alter directly, use SetVCFCutoffController() instead!

Definition at line 596 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetVCFCutoffController(), SetVCFVelocityCurve(), SetVCFVelocityDynamicRange(), SetVCFVelocityScale(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ VCFVelocityCurve

curve_type_t gig::DimensionRegion::VCFVelocityCurve

Defines a transformation curve for the incoming velocity values, affecting the VCF.

Don't alter directly, use SetVCFVelocityCurve() instead!

Definition at line 599 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetVCFCutoffController(), SetVCFVelocityCurve(), SetVCFVelocityDynamicRange(), SetVCFVelocityScale(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ VCFVelocityDynamicRange

uint8_t gig::DimensionRegion::VCFVelocityDynamicRange

0x04 = lowest, 0x00 = highest .

Don't alter directly, use SetVCFVelocityDynamicRange() instead!

Definition at line 601 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetVCFCutoffController(), SetVCFVelocityCurve(), SetVCFVelocityDynamicRange(), SetVCFVelocityScale(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ VCFVelocityScale

uint8_t gig::DimensionRegion::VCFVelocityScale

(0-127) Amount velocity controls VCF cutoff frequency (only if no other VCF cutoff controller is defined, otherwise this is the minimum cutoff).

Don't alter directly, use SetVCFVelocityScale() instead!

Definition at line 600 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetVCFCutoffController(), SetVCFVelocityCurve(), SetVCFVelocityDynamicRange(), SetVCFVelocityScale(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ VelocityResponseCurve

curve_type_t gig::DimensionRegion::VelocityResponseCurve

Defines a transformation curve to the incoming velocity values affecting amplitude (usually you don't have to interpret this parameter, use GetVelocityAttenuation() instead).

Don't alter directly, use SetVelocityResponseCurve() instead!

Definition at line 608 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetVelocityResponseCurve(), SetVelocityResponseCurveScaling(), SetVelocityResponseDepth(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ VelocityResponseCurveScaling

uint8_t gig::DimensionRegion::VelocityResponseCurveScaling

0 - 127 (usually you don't have to interpret this parameter, use GetVelocityAttenuation() instead).

Don't alter directly, use SetVelocityResponseCurveScaling() instead!

Definition at line 610 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetVelocityResponseCurve(), SetVelocityResponseCurveScaling(), SetVelocityResponseDepth(), and UpdateChunks().

◆ VelocityResponseDepth

uint8_t gig::DimensionRegion::VelocityResponseDepth

Dynamic range of velocity affecting amplitude (0 - 4) (usually you don't have to interpret this parameter, use GetVelocityAttenuation() instead).

Don't alter directly, use SetVelocityResponseDepth() instead!

Definition at line 609 of file gig.h.

Referenced by SetVelocityResponseCurve(), SetVelocityResponseCurveScaling(), SetVelocityResponseDepth(), and UpdateChunks().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: