libgig  4.4.1.svn7
gig::MidiRuleAlternator Class Reference

MIDI rule to automatically cycle through specified sequences of different articulations. More...

#include <gig.h>

Inheritance diagram for gig::MidiRuleAlternator:

Public Types

enum  selector_t { selector_none , selector_key_switch , selector_controller }

Public Attributes

uint8_t Articulations
 Number of articulations in the instrument.
String pArticulations [32]
 Names of the articulations.
range_t PlayRange
 Key range of the playable keys in the instrument.
uint8_t Patterns
 Number of alternator patterns.
struct gig::MidiRuleAlternator::pattern_t pPatterns [32]
 A pattern is a sequence of articulation numbers.
selector_t Selector
 Method by which pattern is chosen.
range_t KeySwitchRange
 Key range for key switch selector.
uint8_t Controller
 CC number for controller selector.
bool Polyphonic
 If alternator should step forward only when all notes are off.
bool Chained
 If all patterns should be chained together.

Protected Member Functions

 MidiRuleAlternator (RIFF::Chunk *_3ewg)
void UpdateChunks (uint8_t *pData) const

Detailed Description

MIDI rule to automatically cycle through specified sequences of different articulations.

The instrument must be using the smartmidi dimension.

Note: "Alternator" MIDI rules are neither supported by gigedit nor by LinuxSampler. We recommend you using real-time instrument scripts instead. Read more about the details and reasons for this in the description of the MidiRule base class.

Just provided for backward compatibility, use Script for new instruments instead. See description of MidiRule for details.

Definition at line 1099 of file gig.h.

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