This is the complete list of members for DLS::Region, including all inherited members.
AddSampleLoop(sample_loop_t *pLoopDef) | DLS::Sampler | |
ArticulationList typedef (defined in DLS::Articulator) | DLS::Articulator | protected |
ArticulationsIterator (defined in DLS::Articulator) | DLS::Articulator | protected |
Articulator(RIFF::List *ParentList) (defined in DLS::Articulator) | DLS::Articulator | |
Channel (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
CopyAssign(const Region *orig) | DLS::Region | virtual |
DLS::Resource::CopyAssign(const Resource *orig) | DLS::Resource | virtual |
DLS::Articulator::CopyAssign(const Articulator *orig) | DLS::Articulator | virtual |
DLS::Sampler::CopyAssign(const Sampler *orig) | DLS::Sampler | virtual |
DeleteChunks() | DLS::Region | virtual |
DeleteSampleLoop(sample_loop_t *pLoopDef) | DLS::Sampler | |
FineTune (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | |
FormatOptionFlags (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | protected |
Gain | DLS::Sampler | |
GenerateDLSID() | DLS::Resource | |
GenerateDLSID(dlsid_t *pDLSID) (defined in DLS::Resource) | DLS::Resource | static |
GetArticulation(size_t pos) | DLS::Articulator | |
GetFirstArticulation() | DLS::Articulator | |
GetNextArticulation() | DLS::Articulator | |
GetParent() (defined in DLS::Resource) | DLS::Resource | inline |
GetParent() const (defined in DLS::Resource) | DLS::Resource | inline |
GetSample() (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
KeyGroup (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
KeyRange | DLS::Region | |
Layer (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
LoadArticulations() (defined in DLS::Articulator) | DLS::Articulator | protected |
MultiChannel (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
NoSampleCompression (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | |
NoSampleDepthTruncation (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | |
pArticulations (defined in DLS::Articulator) | DLS::Articulator | protected |
pCkRegion (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | protected |
pDLSID | DLS::Resource | |
PhaseGroup (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
PhaseMaster (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
pInfo | DLS::Resource | |
pParent (defined in DLS::Resource) | DLS::Resource | protected |
pParentList (defined in DLS::Articulator) | DLS::Articulator | protected |
pParentList (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | protected |
pResourceList (defined in DLS::Resource) | DLS::Resource | protected |
pSample (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | protected |
pSampleLoops | DLS::Sampler | |
Region(Instrument *pInstrument, RIFF::List *rgnList) (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | protected |
Resource(Resource *Parent, RIFF::List *lstResource) | DLS::Resource | protected |
SampleLoops | DLS::Sampler | |
Sampler(RIFF::List *ParentList) (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | protected |
SamplerOptions (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | protected |
SelfNonExclusive (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
SetGain(int32_t gain) (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | virtual |
SetKeyRange(uint16_t Low, uint16_t High) | DLS::Region | virtual |
SetSample(Sample *pSample) | DLS::Region | |
uiHeaderSize (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | protected |
UnityNote (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | |
UpdateChunks(progress_t *pProgress) | DLS::Region | virtual |
VelocityRange (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | |
WaveLinkOptionFlags (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | protected |
WavePoolTableIndex (defined in DLS::Region) | DLS::Region | protected |
~Articulator() (defined in DLS::Articulator) | DLS::Articulator | protectedvirtual |
~Region() | DLS::Region | protectedvirtual |
~Resource() (defined in DLS::Resource) | DLS::Resource | protectedvirtual |
~Sampler() (defined in DLS::Sampler) | DLS::Sampler | protectedvirtual |